These 5 minute Brain Break Activity Cards will give your students a break! A break that some of them so often need!
Give them 5/10 minutes to step away from ‘learning’. With these fun activity cards, students will ‘think’ they aren’t learning but having fun, of course, that isn’t true!
Task cards are FUN and educational! Many cover lots of learning areas; self-control, speaking and listening, creative form and much, much more!
These brain breaks are suitable for students of ALL ages.
This resource is FANTASTIC for students with ASD/Aspergers/ADHD and other SEN.
Included in this 12 page download are over 10 Questions to encourage students to have a Growth Mindset rather than a Fixed Mindset.
Additional-A4 page with all the questions included - this can be stuck into a homework diary, students should be encouraged to read it and answer the questions on a daily or weekly basis.
Ideal for PSHE/Tutor Time and/or Circle Time for KS1.
This Unit of Work covers various areas of the curriculum such as Literacy, Maths and PSHE.
Included in this 49 page pack-
One complete Baa, Baa, Black Sheep Nursery Rhyme Resource Reading Book (these are in colour and perfect for Circle Time)
Over 15 differentiated worksheets and printables. These differentiated worksheets are perfect for emergent readers and writers.
The pack also includes several phoneme awareness printables and a set of vocabulary word cards. These can be used for storyboards and/or word walls or displays.
Worksheets and printables include but not limited to-
-Picture Story
-Retell the Story
-Rewriting the Rhyme
-Phoneme Awareness of 'Sh'
-Several tracing worksheets covering the high frequency words used in the rhyme
-Addition and Subtraction
*Also includes characters, finger puppets and scenery for storyboards*
I can guarantee your students will adore this pack! Check out the preview!
Ideal for EYFS and KS1
This Alphabet Display Pack can be used in conjunction with your 'Letter or Sound of the Month', for displays and or circle time.
The pack includes 3 flashcards per sound/letter, one lowercase, one uppercase and one lower/upper combined.
Check out the preview!
Something a little different to get your students thinking!
15 Picture Prompts with Questions.
Each card has a picture and several questions that the student should think about.
Each card is numbered. Have students choose a card and write the number into their notebook (that way you can keep track of who has which card!)
Tackle bullying before it starts with this little PSHE pack.
It covers the story of Gemma and Lucy and both wanting friendship. Ideal for Circle Time.
The pack has been put together to encourage speaking and listening during a PSHE lesson.
21 Slides in total. Can be used for display areas and/or used further in Literacy Lessons.
This resource enables students to reflect on what they have learned and express what or how they are thinking about the new information. Exit Slips easily incorporate writing into the content area classroom and require students to think critically. Exit slips easily incorporate writing into many different content areas.
Furthermore, the Exit Slip strategy is an informal assessment that will allow educators to adapt and differentiate their planning and instruction. These Exit Slips can either be put into student portfolios and/or stuck into class notebooks alongside the lesson.
These Exit Slips ask students for feedback on their lesson, what they have learned, what they may need extra support and/or guidance with. Exit slips can be used for all subjects.
Included in this download
-25 Exit Slips
A lovely little starter book for EYFS and/or for KS1 for the first week back to recap!
This pack focuses on colour recognition of RED!
Download includes-
A mini workbook for students.
Includes This Week's Colour Poster and This Month's Colour Poster.
Also includes a few flashcards that can be used for display purposes.
A lovely little starter book for EYFS and/or for KS1 for the first week back to recap!
This pack focuses on colour recognition of YELLOW!
Download includes-
A mini workbook for students.
Includes This Week's Colour Poster and This Month's Colour Poster.
Also includes a few flashcards that can be used for display purposes.
A lovely little starter book for EYFS and/or for KS1 for the first week back to recap!
This pack focuses on colour recognition of BLUE!
Download includes-
A mini workbook for students.
Includes This Week's Colour Poster and This Month's Colour Poster.
Also includes a few flashcards that can be used for display purposes.
Unsure what to do during your guided reading lessons?
This pack provides you a complete carousel of activities for up to 6 groups.
Just print, no prep needed. Can be used week after week.
Ideal for KS1 and KS2.
A fun way for students to review books!
One of the most important things in any classroom is reading!
It's important that students begin reading books at a young age, it is important that we teach them to communicate their thoughts, feelings and ideas about the books they read. This download is a good way to teach students to begin putting their thoughts on a text into written form, this resource can be used for KS1/KS2
22 Page Download includes:
Several different types of book review templates set for different levels.
Download includes:
Differentiated Book Review Templates
Just for fun - Design a book cover and bookmark templates.
Using a pencil is not an easy task for little fingers!
It takes lots of time and energy! This little 20 page booklet is a good introduction for those children in the early years that are ready for that next step-writing! Lines are differentiated in thickness and length, the pages cover left to right writing, up and down and right to left. It teaches curves and other types of formation.
Little ones will love this!
Check out the preview!
Included in this download
-15 Reading Comprehensions. One comprehension per A4 page. Questions included. Can be used in class or as homework tasks.
- differentiated reading comprehensions typically for KS1/lower KS2.
The comprehensions can be read to the children and/or they can read alone.
These can be used as part of a creative writing task, reading task- closed or guided and/or listening test.
For children that are able to answer questions – questions are included. Should you decide not to use these, they can be cut off.
Comprehensions include but not limited to-
The Airport
The Astronaut
Big Bugs
Spots and Stripes
Furry Animals